Historically First Predictive Valuation System

Without Human Intervention

Anyone interested in using the System please contact: post.science@yahoo.com


A historically first commercial real estate valuation system can completely safeguard investor from making bad investments and permanently protect society from financial crises. The system is based on a completely mathematically rigorous solution of value, which provides full disclosure and full accountability of an investment and involves no human intervention, as demonstrated at http://123is.com/verify.htm. It is able to collect mechanically as much market comparable data as needed without human judgment to calculate an equilibrium price, neither undervalued nor overvalued. In particular, realizing the natural conflict between the landlord and the agent, in which the landlord wants the price to be high, and the agent wants it low, the system can produce two prices based on the actual and the scheduled rents. The system will be truth-telling with full disclosure of all the factors in an investment. The brokerage part of the system can help its clients predict and look for undervalued real estate markets to invest.

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The Full Explanation of the Infinite Spreadsheet Real Estate Valuation System